Наблюдай, исследуй, используй! (TKVG 2010)

четверг, 22 апреля 2010 г.

4 stage - Stiven, Anastassia Anatoljevna, Aleksandr, Igor, Anastassia and Anton

This has finally happened!

Finally, on 7th April, this man visited our school with a 45-minute talk. Mikko Fritze told us many useful things about the forthcoming event “Tallinn 2011”, volunteers programme, his personal achievements and career. He also answered, and with pleasure, the numerous questions our school audience asked him, and his responds really impressed us greatly as his talk was very lively, sincere and full of humor, which considerably distinguished him from other speakers we have met. Well, seems like most of us enjoyed the hour spent together! Hope this was not the last time we met this great unordinary person.

Links to video from interview:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Thank you very much!

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